做這一樣完全不在計畫中, 是不得已而為之, 因為在做double layer cheesecake前, 很努力的研究所有的reviews來修改食譜, 有幾位”前輩”說要用三個8盎司的cream cheese, 原本的食譜是兩個, 所以我就也用了三個, 結果事實証明兩個就夠了, 三個太多了, 整個cracker crust都滿了, 攪拌盆裡還有一堆pumpkin cheese batter, 但我又只買了一個crust, 翻翻冰箱, 更糟的是只剩一個蛋, 本想出去買蛋, 又一想附近那家超市的蛋比別家硬是貴了約兩塊美金, 就是不甘心被貴.
想來想去, 就覺得來實驗一下pumpkin brownies好了, 不過因只剩一個蛋, 就只能做半份的brownies.
The Chewiest Brownies http://allrecipes.com//Recipe/chewiest-brownies/Detail.aspx
original recipe yield 1 -9×13 inch pan
Ingredients (當然又是修改過的)
- 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1/2 cup melted butter
- 1/4 cup vegetable oil
- 1 1/3 cups white sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/3 cup confectioners’sugar for decoration (optional)
- Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C). Line one 9×13 inch pan with greased parchment paper.
- Melt the butter really well and then add vegetable oil, sugar + cocoa (mix first), vanilla and eggs. In a separate bowl mix the rest of the dry ingredients. Now mix the two together. Mix until well combined. It should be VERY thick and sticky.
- Spread mixture into the prepared pan. Bake at 300 degrees F (150 degrees C) for 30 minutes. Cool completely before cutting into squares.
因為我有cream cheese batter, 所以在spread brownies mixture into the pan後, 我再將cheese batter倒在上面, 至於烤箱溫度, 因為單烤brownies是300度, 多了cream cheese就得變成350度, 烤約40 ~ 60分鐘, 視烤箱而定, 像我家烤箱一直很沒力, 所以我烤東西的時間一向都必須延長.
老公今天把這帶去公司跟同事分享, 結果他同事和老闆都很喜歡, 我是鬆了一口氣, 總算是銷出去了, 因為我實在不喜歡brownes.